Alcott Elementary
Alcott Elementary
7117 Mount Royal Ave.
Earl Rahm, Principal
Phone: 614-797-7350
Fax: 614-797-7351
Instructional Hours:
Grades 1-5 / All Day Kindergarten
9:15 AM - 3:40 PM
AM Kindergarten: 9:15 AM - 11:55 AM
PM Kindergarten: 1:00 PM - 3:40 PM
Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Mission Statement
Alcott Elementary is a learning community committed to empowering its citizens with respect, responsibility and Academic Excellence.
The Alcott Five
- Am I following directions?
- Am I showing respect for myself, my school, and others?
- Am I using acceptable language?
- Am I keeping my hands and feet to myself?
- Am I prepared to learn?
Statement of Staff Beliefs
- We believe students, parents, school personnel and community all have a shared responsibility for student learning.
- Every student is an important individual with his/her own intellectual, emotional, and social needs.
- We believe that learning is best achieved in a safe and caring environment.
- The Alcott learning community views inappropriate behaviors as “teachable moments” and uses these opportunities for guidance rather than punishment.
- We believe there is immeasurable value in creativity, the arts and healthy physical activity.
- By working together with each other in the Alcott learning community, we believe we can make a positive difference in our students’ lives.
Legendary Commitment - Legendary Work Ethic - Legendary Kindness
Cultivating students moxie and developing growth mindset learners
- Alcott Elementary